Monday, December 29, 2008
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Apophenia and Pareidolia, a new article!
Mid-Atlantic Paranormal Research
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
This Weekend
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
personal experiences with the paranormal
The incident I described below happened to me as a young child and is the absolute first brush with the paranormal I've been able to dredge up from my memory. It was uncomfortable to write about, especially after so many years, and it took me three glasses of iced tea and a mountain of cigarettes to do so, along with quite a bit of surly mumbling to myself. Even though over the years I've spoken about it to many people, I found myself strangely affected by actually putting it down in a written form. It made it more real to me; it stopped living in my memory as just a story of mine and took on a new life of its own.
I'm the kind of person who has a metric tonne of stories; I hand them out freely and gleefully like they're the best candy ever. I've lived the kind of life which has resulted in a thousand entertaining stories- many of them not paranormal related in the slightest. And I write them down frequently, with ease. Writing any of those others down haven't given me the same chilly feeling on the back of my neck.
On with the show.
I don't quite remember how old I was, but I clearly remember my family was living in Blackwood in an apartment complex which was then called Nob Hill. It was a large and sprawling web of buildings, identified only by letters of the alphabet. Throughout my first eight years, for one reason or another, we moved quite a few times throughout that network of buildings, although I really only have memories of the last building we lived in: G.
Our apartment in G building technically only had two bedrooms, but my industrious mother finagled the small space into having four. She had the master bedroom, my eldest brother had the second bedroom, my middle brother bedded down in a very large pantry area off of the kitchen, and I had a small bed in the hallway closet. A building inspector's nightmare, but we were only barely above the poverty level and our single mother did not have much money to play with.
One night, my mother had thrown a small party in the apartment for some friends of the family and due to the noise level, I was allowed the small and infrequent treat of sleeping in my eldest brother's bedroom. My closet bedroom was right off the living room and sleeping with the door shut was nigh on impossible in such tiny quarters. Five minutes of closing the door and it would grow unbearably stuffy in there, even in the winter months. In an effort to keep me in bed and asleep (meaning: with a closed door), I was put into my brother's bedroom.
I couldn't sleep, of course. Being a small and excitable child in a unfamiliar environment (I was not normally allowed to even step foot in my eldest brother's room), I was unable to relax enough to drift off. Adding to that was the fact I could hear things coming from the living room: bubbling snatches of conversation, music, and laughter; the clinking of beer bottles and whiskey glasses; the front door slamming whenever someone arrived or left. It was dark in my brother's room, with a taunting slice of pale light sliding in under the door. I hadn't wanted to go to bed in the first place and had tried to bargain with my mother for an extra hour of wide-eyed fascination, of being allowed in the company of so many adults. I was unsuccessful in this endeavor and thus, was banished from the living room for the rest of the night, still not sleepy enough for bed and full of complaints on the matter.
I laid on my side with my knees drawn to my chest, my preferred sleeping position even now as an adult, and fixed my eyes on that line of light cutting through the blackness of the bedroom. Not much time passed before I saw the door open slightly, maybe only four or five inches and letting in a spill of light from the living room, then close quietly again.
At first, I thought someone had mistaken the bedroom door for the bathroom and upon discovering their mistake, quickly closed it again and I huffed in irritation. All notions of this flew from my head when I saw a pale shape, formless and shifting against the carpet. It was maybe about as tall and long as a large dog and moved slowly and unsteadily on four leg-like protrusions toward me. It was like nothing I had ever seen before and I wordlessly watched it, unsure of what was happening.
When it reached the bed, it rose up and rested itself on the edge of the bed. It didn't seem to have a solidity to it, almost as if it were made of fog, and when my young brain clicked on this bit of information, I broke out in sheets of gooseflesh and my heart raced in my chest. I tried to call for my mother, but my voice was stoppered in my throat. It leaned closer to me and the nearer it got, the more frantic I became to cry out. I knew I could move away from it, my limbs still were able to function, but I was afraid to back away as that meant I would probably fall to the floor and like any self-respecting child of my age, that meant being entirely too close to Under the Bed for my liking. Caught between the proverbial rock and a hard place, I remained frozen in place.
It reached one of the leg-ish protrusions to my face and I slid my head away, afraid of the damp cold I could feel exuding from its touch. I couldn't make out any features of the form, it didn't have any, but when I moved away from it, I felt its sudden flush of anger at my resistance. The part of it trying to touch my face resolved into vague finger-like extensions and wound through my hair, beginning to pull me closer. When I pulled back slightly, it tightened its hold and yanked hard, dragging me by my hair to the side of the bed. I felt several of my hairs pull free from my head from the force of its tug.
The pain shooting through my scalp was enough to finally set my voice free and I began to scream for my mother, for anyone, to come help me. I dimly heard the music in the living room get turned down for a moment, as if someone had thought they'd heard something. Hoarsely, I screamed again. The form pushed itself into my face and my vision filled with its non-face, a liquid and swimming sweep of white smoke, before it suddenly let go and made for the door.
I back-pedaled myself through the bed until I hitched up against the headboard, with the blankets tangled in a disarray around me, shouting and crying for my mother. I saw the door open a few handful of inches and quickly close it again. Only seconds later, the door flung open and banged against the wall. My mother, with party-goers in a concerned clot behind her, rushed to me and gathered me into her worried arms. When I asked her many years later if she remembered this incident, she told me I had fought her for several minutes with my eyes wide and unseeing, completely unable to recognize who she was and that I absolutely refused to sleep in my brother's room ever again.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
HNJ podcast #68 is now available!
Check it out!
Friday, October 31, 2008
New banner link!
**switch skull_banner_little.jpg to skull_banner_big.jpg for a larger banner**
~ Chris Orapello
Sunday, October 26, 2008
We now have an email list!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
MAPR website has a new look!

Let us know what you think!
Monday, October 13, 2008
An evening with Garret Husveth of Haunted New Jersey and Psychic Ray Sette
~Chris Orapello
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
MAPR second to TAPS? Kind of...
Pretty cool.
~Chris Orapello
Monday, September 8, 2008
If you are "lights out," then you are probably in the dark!
- It's tough to see and your eyes could play tricks on you.
- The cameras don't work as well so you can't document as much of the space as you could if the lights were on.
- It doesn't increase paranormal phenomena and may even enable false camera footage and photographs if one isn't careful.
- You could injure yourself or the environment by tripping, falling, or bumping into something.
I posed this question to the guys of Haunted New Jersey (Episode #65 - Check it out!) and aside from just working in the dark out of personal preference, or to enhance one's senses, the only reason they could say to turn the lights off were if the lights were creating a lot of noise. (Or in the situation of a case we are currently involved with, we turn the lights out when most of the household is going to bed for the night.)
Simply put, turn out the lights during an investigation if the situation warrants it, if not, keep them on! There's no need to be in the dark.
~Chris Orapello
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Experimenting With Audio

The results of last night's endeavors will follow once a full analysis of the acquired material has been conducted.
~ Chris Orapello
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
New EVPs added to website!
Not sure what Electronic Voice Phenomena is? Check out this
article.Here is an example of one of the EVPs found on our website.
File: Fort Mifflin, PA 9/23/06: You will hear me say “goodnight sir” and there is a response which almost sounds like the word “promotion."
Find this interesting? Then please check out our other EVPs
Friday, August 8, 2008
As of late...
Upon our initial visit with them several EVPs, Electronic Voice Phenomena, were found on the recording we made during our interview. These, and other recordings, may be included on our website in the future. We hope to visit with them soon to continue our research.
Take Care,
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
New Article: Photographic Anomalies

Check it out and get informed.
~Chris Orapello
Monday, July 7, 2008
EVPs from the Lizzie Borden House
~Chris Orapello
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Our Open PSI Study Program has begun!
Click here to visit our study overview and submission page Open PSI Study Program.
~Chris Orapello
Monday, June 23, 2008
My next article...
Be sure to be on the look out for it.
~Chris Orapello
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Monsterquest: Lizzie Borden House Episode
The episode can be viewed online at History.com
~Chris Orapello
Saturday, May 31, 2008
New Member!
~Chris Orapello
Saturday, May 24, 2008
New Articles Posted!
~Chris Orapello
Monday, May 19, 2008
May 10th Beginnings...
We are currently in the process of reviewing material from the May 10th investigation.
~Chris Orapello
Saturday, May 17, 2008
MAPR is now ITC capable!
~Chris Orapello
Friday, May 16, 2008
How this all got started...

In later years (1998) with exposure to the Internet I came upon recordings published online containing alleged anomalous voices that were believed to be the voices of the dead. Referred to as Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP) I found such recordings to be quite astonishing, so much that I purchased my own recorder at the time (a GE handheld tape recorder) and attempted to record such voices on my own, but due to lack of experience and determination I was unable to produce any results.
And so for many years my pursuit in the paranormal took a back seat to my other the love, the occult; which was a journey that took me out, around, through, and back to my interest in the paranormal ten years later. Through my exploration of the occult, as a result of my growing spiritual pursuits (I am a pagan), I experienced some very interesting personal phenomena which teetered on the paranormal. For example: the seeing of figures standing about me during a personal religious ritual and another experience when a past girlfriend and I were conducting a ritual outside on sacred ground, apparently without spiritual permission. During the ritual we both experienced the sound of clopping horse-hoofs walking to a halt within several feet of us, a sound familiar to any movie dealing with the old west. Upon which we experienced a sense of uneasiness and felt that it was time to leave. As we made our way out of the field, we experienced a feeling of being rushed out or escorted outside the perimeter of the field by something ushering us along and upon once being outside the field the feeling ceased. Once again these situations in retrospect are questionable as belief entices religious experience; and paranoia, or the knowledge of being somewhere where we perhaps shouldn't be, may have caused the feelings we experienced as we left the field that night. However, both incidents were personal, as are most paranormal experiences, and were not without impact since the sound of the horses-hoofs were heard by both people present.
In the spring of 2006 when my interests in investigating the paranormal not only reignited, but solidified within my being, bringing us to the current chapter in my life. Since then, I previously worked with a local paranormal group for six months during which time I learned a lot in regards to conducting investigations and through my personal work and studies I have been able to fine tune my own procedures as a researcher to yield what I feel are the best results. The best things I have learned from my colleagues and friends in the field is that in the pursuit of science, the goal is control; take nothing for granted; question everything; only present the best of what you find and discard anything you doubt no matter how much it hurts!
In early 2007 I founded Mid-Atlantic Paranormal Research to pursue science in regards to paranormal investigation; to help, aid, and assist those living in DE, NJ, or PA who contact us; to properly inform the public about the paranormal; and to hopefully be a group that can follow in the history and in the footsteps of well-known and respected parapsychologists, psychical researchers, and paranormal investigators however they can or choose to label themselves.
Rest assured, we intend on being around for a long time.
Thank you,
~Chris Orapello